Best Radiology and Diagnostic Nursing Retirement Home
Services Ozanam Hall of Queens New York
Approved by The New York Department
of Health information for a Healthy New York.
About Nursing Home Services
in Top Rated Nursing homes in Queens, New York
Baseline Services
Those services
included in the daily rate. At the time of admission, a written copy of the following
basic services must be made available to all residents:
- The daily, weekly or monthly rate
- Board, including therapeutic or modified diets, as prescribed by a doctor
- Lodging - a clean, healthful, sheltered environment, properly outfitted
- Dietary services
- 24-hour-per-day nursing care
- Pharmacy services
- Diagnostic services
- The use of all equipment, medical supplies and modalities used in the care of nursing home residents, including but not limited to catheters, hypodermic syringes and needles, irrigation outfits, dressings and pads, etc.
- Fresh bed linen, as required, changed at least twice weekly, including sufficient quantities of necessary bed linen or appropriate substitutes changed as often as required for incontinent residents
- Hospital gowns or pajamas as required by the clinical condition of the resident, unless the resident, family member or designated representative elects to furnish them, and laundry services for these and other launderable personal clothing items
- General household medicine cabinet supplies, including but not limited nonprescription medications, materials for routine skin care, dental hygiene, care of hair, etc., except when specific items are medically indicated and prescribed for exceptional use for a specific resident;
- Assistance and/or supervision, when required, with activities of daily living, including but not limited to toileting, bathing, feeding and assistance with getting from place to place
- Services, in the daily performance of their assigned duties, by members of the nursing home staff assigned to resident care
- Use of customarily stocked equipment, including but not limited to crutches, walkers, wheelchairs or other supportive equipment, including training in their use when necessary, unless such items are prescribed by a doctor for regular and sole use by a specific resident
- Activities program, including but not limited to a planned schedule of recreational, motivational, social and other activities together with the necessary materials and supplies to make the resident's life more meaningful
- Social services as needed
- Provision of optician and optometrist services
- physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology services, audio logy services and dental services, on either a staff or fee-for-services basis, as prescribed by a doctor, administered by or under the direct supervision of a licensed and currently registered physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist, qualified audiologist or registered dentist.
Special Services
These services may be offered in
addition to those considered standard.
Adult Day Health Care (ADHC)
ADHC program provides the health
care services and activities provided to a group of persons, who are not
residents of a residential health care facility, but are functionally impaired
and not homebound. Require supervision, monitoring, preventive, diagnostic,
therapeutic, rehabilitative or palliative care or services but do not require
continuous 24-hour-a-day inpatient care and services to maintain their health
status and enable them to remain in the community.
Each approved adult day health
care session must operate for a minimum of five hours duration, not including
time spent in transportation. It must also provide, at a minimum, nutritional
services in the form of at least one meal and necessary supplemental
nourishment, planned activities, ongoing assessment of each registrant's health
status in order to provide coordinated care planning, case management and other
health care services as determined by the registrant's needs.
Adult Day Health Care - AIDS
An adult day health care program
may be approved as a provider of specialized services for registrants with AIDS
(acquired immune deficiency syndrome), and other human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) related illness.
The program shall provide
comprehensive and coordinated health services and the operator must provide or
make arrangements for case management services; substance abuse services, if
appropriate; mental health services; HIV prevention and counseling services;
pastoral counseling; TB screening and on-going follow up, and specialized
medical services including gynecology, as needed.
The facility shall provide
comprehensive and coordinated health services and the operator must provide or
make arrangements for: case management services; substance abuse services, if
appropriate; mental health services; HIV prevention and counseling services;
pastoral counseling; TB screening and on-going follow up, and specialized
medical services including gynecology, as needed.
Behavioral Intervention Services
This program must include a
discrete unit with a planned combination of services with staffing, equipment
and physical facilities designed to serve individuals whose severe behavior
cannot be managed in a less restrictive setting. The program shall provide
goal-directed, comprehensive and interdisciplinary services directed at
attaining or maintaining the individual at the highest practicable level of
physical, affective, behavioral and cognitive functioning.
Clinical Laboratory Service
Clinical laboratory means a
facility for the microbiological, immunological, chemical, hematological,
biophysical, cytological, pathological, genetic or other examination of
materials derived from the human body, for the purpose of obtaining information
for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of disease, or the assessment of a
health condition, or for identification purposes. Such examinations shall
include procedures to determine, measure, or otherwise describe the presence or
absence of various substances, components or organisms in the human body.
Coma Services
A resident admitted for coma
management shall be a person who has suffered a traumatic brain injury with
structural non-degenerative brain damage, and is in a coma. The resident may be
completely unresponsive to any stimuli or may exhibit a generalized response by
reacting inconsistently and non-purposefully to stimuli in a nonspecific
Dementia Programs
Dementia programs seek to improve
the quality and treatment of patients with dementia. Architectural designs and
interior finishes are required to implement special programs for residents with
dementia. Staff are trained to manage behavior and promote effective care of
dementia patients by arranging the environment in ways that produce positive
outcomes for patients. Special activities are offered to the residents with the
goal of maintaining and promoting autonomy and decision making on the part of
dementia patients.
When this service is provided,
the operator shall ensure that: the radiographic procedures requiring the use
of contrast media or fluoroscopic interpretation and control are performed with
the active participation of a qualified specialist in diagnostic radiology or a
physician qualified in a medical specialty related to the radiographic
Hospice shall mean a coordinated
program of home and inpatient care which treats the terminally ill patient and
family as a unit, employing an interdisciplinary team acting under the
direction of an autonomous hospice administration. The program provides
palliative and supportive care to meet the special needs arising out of
physical, psychological, spiritual, social and economic stresses which are
experienced during the final stages of illness, and during dying and
A resident of a nursing home who
becomes terminally ill may receive hospice services. In order to establish
eligibility for hospice care, the patient's physician and the hospice medical
director must certify that the patient is terminally ill, the patient or
authorized representative must elect the hospice benefit in writing, and a
hospice plan of care must be established. Terminal illness is defined as a
medical life expectancy of six months or less if the illness runs its normal
Limited Transfusion Services
Limited transfusion service means
a facility, which transfuses blood and may temporarily store blood and
distribute it within its own organization, but relies on a blood bank holding a
permit in blood services-transfusion to perform laboratory tests.
Outpatient Services
Occupational Therapy
Occupation therapy is provided by
an occupational therapist that is a licensed rehabilitation care professional,
which works to restore or improve physical abilities, promote behavioral
changes, adapt surroundings, and teaches new skills; the goal is to have the
individual achieve her or his best physical and/or mental functioning in daily
life tasks. Occupational therapists provide these services on the referral or
prescription of a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner.
Occupational therapy assistants
provide treatment according to a plan developed by or in collaboration with a
licensed occupational therapist. They must work under the supervision of a
licensed occupational therapist or a licensed physician to assist in providing
occupational therapy services.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is provided by a
physical therapist that is a licensed health care professional, which examines
and evaluates a patient's condition and then plans and administers treatments
to promote optimal health. Physical therapists seek to relieve pain, improve
the body's movement and function, maintain cardiopulmonary function, restore,
maintain and promote optimal physical function; and limit disabilities
resulting from injury or disease.
A physical therapist assistant is
a licensed health care professional who provides treatment according to a plan
developed by and under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist to
assist in providing physical therapy services.
Speech Pathology
Rehabilitation services shall be
made available, only at the direction of a physician, to eligible persons as
medically needed and as an integral part of a comprehensive medical care
program. Such services include not only service to the patient but also
instructions to responsible members of the family in follow-up procedures
necessary for the care of the patient.
The facility provides extensive
age specific nursing, medical, psychological and counseling support services to
children with diverse and complex medical, emotional and social problems in a
program recognized and approved by the department to provide these services.
Respite Care Services (Short Term)
Scheduled short term nursing home
care provided on a temporary basis to an individual who needs this level of
care, but who is normally cared for in the community. The goal of scheduled
short term care is to provide relief for the caregiver(s) while providing
nursing home care for the individual. Schedules for scheduled short term care
are generally pre-arranged and shall be limited to one or more periods of from
one to 30 days and shall not exceed 42 days in any one year except in
extraordinary circumstances, such as sudden illness of the primary caregiver or
temporary unfitness of the individual's principal residence.
Traumatic Brain-Injured (TBI)
A planned combination of
specialized services provided in a nursing home unit for head-injured
residents, where the unit consists of at least 20 beds. The head-injury program
shall be designed specifically to serve medically stable, traumatically
brain-injured individuals with an expected length of stay from 3 to 12 months.
The program shall provide goal-oriented, comprehensive, interdisciplinary and
coordinated services directed at restoring the individual to the optimal level
of physical, cognitive and behavioral functioning. The population served shall
consist primarily of individuals with traumatically acquired, non-degenerative,
structural brain damage resulting in residual deficits and disability. The
program shall not admit or retain individuals who are determined to be a danger
to self or others.
A resident admitted for long-term
rehabilitation shall be a person who has suffered a traumatic brain injury with
structural non-degenerative brain damage, is medically stable, is not in a
persistent vegetative state, demonstrates potential for physical, behavioral
and cognitive rehabilitation and may evidence moderate to severe behavior abnormalities.
The resident must be capable of exhibiting at least localized responses by
reacting specifically but inconsistently to stimuli; education and counseling
services are available and offered to the residents and families
Ventilator Dependent
This program is intended to serve
long-term ventilator dependent residents. Services shall be directed at
restoring each resident to his or her optimal level of functioning and
assisting each resident to achieve maximum independence from mechanical ventilation.
Residents shall be assessed as to
their ability to be weaned from their ventilatory dependence. Those residents
who are assessed as potentially able to be weaned from dependence on support
with mechanical ventilation or whose daily use of ventilator support may be
reduced shall receive an active program of therapy and other supportive
services designed for that resident to reduce or eliminate his or her need for
use of a ventilator.
Residents shall be assessed as to
their ability to be discharged to home or to a home-like setting with or
without supportive services. When such potential is identified, the facility
shall initiate an active program of therapy and other supportive services
designed to assist the resident in the transition to the new setting. Facility
discharge planning staff shall arrange for any home modifications, equipment or
assistance expected to be required of the resident in the new setting.
Best rated top rehabilitation
nursing home Queens, New York
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